
kargaşa nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə kargaşa nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. chaos, confusion, disorder, tumult, anarchy, anarchism, Babel, broil, coil, commotion, disarray, disturbance, earthquake, grab bag, hurly-burly, moil, muss, pell-mell, rag bag, riot, rough and tumble, roughhouse, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, shemozzle
* * *
1. unrest
2. riot (n.)

\"confusion, disorder, commotion, chaos, unrest, turmoil, tumult; anarchy\" anarþi

\"1. civic turmoil, tumult, or disorder; anarchy. 2. commotion, hullabaloo, pandemonium. 3. confusion, chaos, scramble; seething mass. - çıkarmak 1. to incite a tumult; to incite anarchy. 2. to cause confusion or pandemonium.\"

a. confusion, disorder, commotion, chaos, unrest, turmoil, tumult res.; anarchy * anarşi

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