
karı nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə karı nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. Dutch, wife, Jane, spouse, woman, dame, bedfellow, broad, old lady, old woman
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\"wife; woman, cow; crumpet, bird, dame\"

\"1. wife, spouse; law married woman. 2. vulg. broad, woman. - ağızlı (man) who gossips like a woman. -sı ağızlı (husband) who is merely a mouthpiece for his wife´s opinions. - almak /ı/ to marry. - kısmı vulg. womankind. - kızan prov. the whole household, wife and children. - koca hayatı married life. - kocalık the married state, matrimony. -sı kurusu (his) wife and household. - milleti vulg. womankind. - pazarı vulg. noisy crowd.\"

a. wife; kab. woman, cow arg./hkr.; crumpet İİ., bird İİ./arg., dame Aİ./arg. karı kız skirt esk. karı kız peşinde koşmak to womanize gen. hkr. karı koca husband and wife karı koca gibi yaşamak to cohabit res.

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