
aksilik nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə aksilik nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. misfortune, ill luck, mishap, rotten luck, trouble, hitch, perversity, crossness, awkwardness, bile, contrariety, contrariness, contretemps, dourness, fractiousness, gruffness, hardness, misadventure, moodiness, petulance, recalcitrance, reverse
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1. moodiness
2. tantrum

\"mishap, misfortune, hitch; peevishness, crossness, obstinacy, perversity\"

\"1. an unfortunate incident, misfortune, hitch. 2. crossness, obstinacy, peevishness. - bu ya! I would have to ...!/As misfortune would have it, ..../As bad luck would have it, ...: Fakat aksilik bu ya, o sırada öğretmen içeri girdi. The teacher would have to come at just that moment. - çıkmak to have a difficulty come up. - etmek to be obstinate, be stubborn; to raise difficulties. -i tutmak suddenly to get obstinate; to have a fit of obstinacy. -i üstünde in a bad mood, cross, peevish, grumpy.\"

a. mishap, misfortune, hitch; peevishness, crossness, obstinacy, perversity aksilik etmek to be obstinate, to act peevishly

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