
aksi nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə aksi nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. unlucky, adverse, unfortunate, opposite, contrary, perverse, peevish, cross, reverse, awkward, stubborn, bad tempered, ill-natured, ill-humored, moody, bilious, bloody-minded, cantankerous, counter, crabbed, crabby, cross grained, crotchety
pref. contra
prep. contra, against, opposite, opposed
* * *
1. cantankerous
2. opposite

\"opposite, contrary; peevish, grumpy, cross, perverse, churlish, cantankerous, moody, crotchety\"

\"1. opposite: Aksi istikamette yol açıktı. There was no traffic in the opposite lane. 2. peevish, irritable; perverse, contrary. 3. inopportune, untimely. 4. adverse, negative. 5. unfortunate (circumstance, situation). - aksi irritably. - delil counterproof. - gibi colloq. Wouldn´t you know it? As if to spite me, ...: Aksi gibi cebimde beş para kalmamıştı. But it was just my luck that I didn´t have so much as a penny on me. - gitmek (for things) to go wrong. - halde if not; otherwise. -ni iddia etmek to assert the contrary. -ni söylemek to say the opposite. - şeytan! colloq. Damn! - takdirde otherwise. - tesadüf 1. As bad luck would have it, .... 2. unfortunate coincidence. - tesir undesired reaction, opposite effect.\"

s. opposite, contrary; peevish, grumpy, cross, perverse, churlish, cantankerous, moody, crotchety kon. aksi gibi unfortunately aksi halde if not, otherwise aksi şeytan! damn!, shit!, hell!, bloody hell! aksi takdirde or else, otherwise aksi tesadüf a) unfortunate coincidence b) unluckily aksi tesir adverse effect, reaction, counterstroke aksini iddia etmek to contradict aksini kanıtlamak to disprove aksini söylemek to say the opposite, to contradict

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