
غلظ nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə غلظ nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

غَلُظَ، غَلَظَ: كانَ غَلِيظاً
to thicken, coarsen, be or become thick or coarse; to be or become rough, harsh, crude, gross

غَلُظَ، غَلَظَ: كانَ غَلِيظاً
to thicken, coarsen, be or become thick or coarse; to be or become rough, harsh, crude, gross

غَلّظَ: جَعَلَهُ غَلِيظاً
to thicken, make thick; to coarsen, make coarse; to make rough, harsh, crud, gross

غِلَظ: سَمَاكَة
thickness, heaviness, denseness

غِلَظ: خُشُونَة
coarseness, roughness, harshness

غِلَظ: فَظَاظَة
rudeness, boorishness, roughness, coarseness, grossness, crudeness, gruffness, uncouthness, uncivility, indelicateness

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