
عمل nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə عمل nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

عملية / عمل
operation [Industry: Milling]

عَمَل: فِعْل، صَنِيع
act, deed, action; doing, acting; working; performance, execution

عَمَل: صُنْع
making, production, manufacture

عَمَل: شُغْل، صَنْعَة، مِهْنَة، وَظِيفَة
work; labor; job; occupation, vocation, business, profession, career, calling, trade, metier; employment; function

عَمَل: عَمَلِيّة
operation, act(ion), activity

عَمِلَ: فَعَلَ، أدّى، صَنَعَ
to do, make; to act; to perform, carry out, execute, fulfill, accomplish; to produce, manufacture, fabricate

عَمِلَ: اِشْتَغَلَ
to work; to toil, labor; to function

عَمِلَ: سارَ، دارَ، اِشْتَغَلَ
to operate, run, work, function, be in operation

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