
عهد nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə عهد nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

Covenant; a solemn agreement between two or more persons or groups, a compact between God and man. The Old Testament tells of the covenant the Jews made with Allah.

عَهِدَ: عَرَفَ
to know; to be or become acquainted with, familiar with

عَهِدَ: رَعَى
ـ انظر: تَعَهّدَ

عَهْد: مِيثَاق
covenant, compact, convention, pact, treaty, agreement

عَهْد: وَعْد، اِلْتِزام
pledge, vow, promise, word; commitment, engagement, obligation

عَهْد: وَفَاء
keeping, fulfillment

عَهْد: ذِمّة، أمَان
protection; security, safety; guarantee, safeguard

عَهْدَ: مَوَدّة، وُدّ
friendship; love

عَهْد: مَعْرِفَة

عَهْد: يَمِين، قَسَم

عَهْد: فَرَمَان
firman, decree, edict, order

عَهْد: عَصْر، دَوْر، زَمَان
epoch, era, period, time, age

عَهْد: حُكْم، مُدّةُ الحُكْم، وِلاَيَة
reign, rule, period (of rule), regime, time; tenure; term (of office)

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