
عرض nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə عرض nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

عرض / اتساع
width [Industry: Milling]

عَرَض: ما لَيْسَ جَوْهَراً
accident; something nonessential

عَرَض: حُطَامُ الدّنْيَا
vanities of the world, transient things of the world

عَرَض [طب]
symptom, indication

عَرَضَ: أظْهَرَ، أبْدَى
to show, demonstrate, exhibit, display, expose, lay open, present, produce, bring out

عَرَضَ: قَدّمَ
to offer, proffer, tender, extend, present

عَرَضَ (على، أمَامَ): رَفَعَ إلى، أحَالَ إلى
to submit to, refer to, bring before, lay before, put before, present to, hand over to, turn in to

عَرَضَ: طَرَحَ، أثَارَ
to put forward or forth, bring up, advance, set forth, propound, present

عَرَضَ: اِقْتَرَحَ
to offer, suggest, propose

عَرَضَ (لِـ): اِسْتَعْرَضَ، عالَجَ، بَحَثَ
to review; to examine, survey, consider, look into, explore; to discuss, study, treat, deal with, take up

عَرَضَ: ظَهَرَ
to appear, show, be or become visible or apparent

عَرَضَ: حَدَثَ كَشَيءٍ إضَافِيّ أو غَيْرِ مُتَوَقّع
to supervene, follow, ensue

عَرّضَ: جَعَلَهُ عَرِيضاً
to broaden, widen, expand, extend

عَرْض: ضِدّ طُول
breadth, width

عَرْض: إظْهار
presentation, demonstration, show(ing), exhibition, dispaly(ing), exposition, exposure, expose (French), laying open, bringing out

عَرْض: تَقْدِيم
offer, proffer, tender; offering; presentation, presenting

عَرْض: اِقتِراح
offer, suggestion, proposal, proposition

عَرْض: طَرْح، إثَارَة
putting forward or forth, bringing up, advancing, setting forth, propounding, presenting, presentation

عَرْض: رَفْع، إحَالَة
submission, submitting, referring, referral, reference, bringing (before), laying (before), putting (before), presenting, presentation, handing over (to)

عَرْض: اِسْتِعْراض، مُعَالَجَة، بَحْث
review; survey, examination, consideration; discussion, study(ing), treatment, dealing with

عَرْض: إظهارٌ لِلْقُوّةِ أو البَرَاعَةِ أو الثّرْوَة
parade, (pompous) show

عَرْض [اقتصاد]

عُرْض: جانِب

عُرْض: وَسَط

عِرْض: شَرَف

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