
ظهر nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə ظهر nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

ظَهَرَ: بانَ، بَرَزَ، بَدَا
to appear, come out, come to light, come into sight or view, show, emerge, crop up, surface, rise, arise, develop, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be or become apparent, visible, manifest, distinct, obvious, evident, clear, plain, patent, known; to seem, look, appear, sound, give the impression of being

ظَهَرَ: حَدَثَ
to occur, happen, take place, transpire, come to pass

ظَهَرَ: عَلاَ، تَسَلّقَ
to mount, climb, ascend, scale

ظَهّرَ: جَيّرَ (شِيكاً، سَنَداً إلخ)
to endorse, back

ظَهّرَ: حَمّضَ (فِيْلماً إلخ)
to develop

ظَهْر: ما يُقَابِلُ البَطْنَ

ظَهْر: قَفاً، خَلْف
back; rear (part), hind (part), hinder part; reverse; verso

ظَهْر: سَطْح
surface, face, top, upper part

ظَهْر [أحياء]

ظُهْر: نصْفُ النّهَار، هاجِرَة، زَوَال، ظَهِيرَة
noon, midday

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