
دفع nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə دفع nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

دَفَعَ: ضِدّ جَذَبَ
to push

دَفَعَ: رَدّ، صَدّ، دَرَأَ
to push back or away, drive back or away, shove away, repel, repulse, turn away, ward off, parry, fend off, stave off

دَفَعَ: تَخَلّص مِنْ، أزَالَ
to get rid of, rid oneself of; to throw off or away; to remove, eliminate

دَفَعَ: دَحَضَ
to refute, confute, disprove, rebut, controvert, falsify

دَفَعَ: رَدّ (على الخَصْم), اِعْتَرَضَ [قانون]
to plead; to rebut; to demur (at), except (to), take exception (to), object (to), challenge

دَفَعَ: سَيّرَ، دَسَرَ
to propel, move, impel, drive forward, shove, thrust, push ahead, push along, push forward, rush

دَفعَ (المالَ إلخ): سَدّدَ
to pay, settle, discharge, clear, liquidate, pay up

دَفَع (المالَ إلخ): أنْفَقَ
to disburse, spend, expend, lay out, outlay, pay out

دَفْع: رَدّ، صَدّ، دَرْء
push(ing), pushing back or away, shove, shoving, driving back or away, repulsion, repulse, repelling, parry(ing), warding off, fending off, staving off

دَفْع: تَخَلّصٌ مِنْ، إزَالَة
getting rid of, ridding oneself of; throwing off or away; removal, elimination

دَفْع: دَحْض
refutation, confutation, disproof, falsification

دَفْع: رَدّ، جَوَابُ المُدّعَى عَلَيْه، اِعْتِراض [قانون]
plea; pleading, rebuttal; demurrer, demur, exception, objection, challenge

دَفْع: دَسْر، تَسْيِير
propulsion, impelling, impulsion, thrust(ing), drive, driving forward, push(ing), shoving, shove, moving, rushing

دَفْع: حَفْز
prompting, incitement, incitation, prodding, inducement, moving, actuation, impelling, driving, motivation, stimulation, inspiration, causing, making

دَفْع: إجْبار
forcing, force, compulsion, coercion

دَفْع: تَسْلِيم
handing over, turning over, handing in, turning in, presenting, submitting, giving in

دَفْع: إرْسال

دَفْع: تَسْدِيد
payment, settlement, discharge, clearing, liquidation, paying up

دَفْع: إنْفاق
disbursement, spending, expenditure, outlay, paying out

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