
حمل nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə حمل nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

حمل ( حمولة ) شحنة ( عبء ) تلقم
load [Industry: Milling]

حَمَل: خَرُوفٌ صَغِير
lamb, yeanling

حَمَلَ: رَفَعَ، نَقَلَ
to carry, bear; to hold; to load up, lift, raise, pick up; to convey, transport, deliver; to transmit (to), communicate (to), bring (to), take (to); to carry with oneself, bring along, bring forward; to carry away, take away

حَمَلَ(ـتِ المَرْأةُ): حَبِلَت
to be or become pregnant, to conceive

حَمَلَ: سَنَدَ، دَعَمَ
to carry, support, bear, sustain, hold up, prop (up), shore up, stay, brace, pillar

حَمَلَ: أخَذَ على عاتِقه
to undertake, take upon oneself, assume, carry (the burden of), shoulder, bear

حَمَلَ (على): أضْمَرَ، أخْفَى، أكَنّ
to harbor, entertain, cherish; to conceal, hide, secrete

حَمَلَ (القُرْآنَ إلخ): حَفِظَ غَيْباً
to know by heart

حَمَلَ [منطق]
to predicate, attribute

حَمّلَ: وَسَقَ، شَحَنَ
to load (with), lade (with), freight (with), put or lay a load on or in; to stevedore

حَمّلَ: جَعَلَهُ يَحْمِل
to make or have carry or bear

حَمّلَ: ألْقَى على عاتِقِهِ (كَذَا), أثْقَلَ على
to burden (with), load (with); charge (with), impose (on), saddle (with); to (over) burden, (over)load, weigh down on, bear down on, encumber, oppress

حَمْل: رَفْع، نَقْل
carrying, carriage, bearing, portage; holding; lifting, raising, picking up; conveyance, transport(ation), transporting, delivery, delivering

حَمْل: حَبَل
pregnancy, gestation, conception

حَمْل: جَنِين
fetus; embryo

حَمْل: ثَمَر، مَحْصُول
fruits(s); bearing, crop; yield, produce

حَمْل [منطق]
predication, attribution

حَمْل، حَمْلٌ حَرَارِيّ [فيزياء]

حَمْل: حَثّ، حَفْز
incitement, prompting, inducement, actuation, impelling, motivation, stimulation, causing, making

حِمْل: ما يُحْمَل، ثِقْل
load, cargo, burden; weight

حِمْل: عِبْء
burden, charge, load, encumbrance

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