
برز nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə برز nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

بَرَزَ: ظَهَرَ
to appear, come out, come into sight, come into view, come to light, show, emerge, surface, crop up, rise, arise, spring up, manifest itself, reveal itself; to stand out; to come to the fore; to be or become conspicuous, prominent, outstanding

بَرَزَ: حَدَثَ
to occur, happen, take place

بَرَزَ: نَتَأَ
to protrude, bulge, jut out, stick out, stand out, project, poke

بَرّزَ (في): بَرَعَ
to excel (in), be outstanding (in), be preeminent (in), be excellent (in), distinguish oneself (in), do excellent work (in)

بَرّزَ (على): فاقَ
to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, overtop, outshine, eclipse, be or prove superior to

بَرّزَ: أبْرَزَ، أظْهَرَ
ـ انظر: أبْرَزَ

بَرّزَ: تَبَرّزَ، تَغَوّطَ
ـ انظر: تَبَرّزَ

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