
برم nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə برم nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

بَرَم: سَأم، ضَجَر
boredom, weariness, tiredness, ennui, tedium; impatience, restlessness, uneasiness, annoyance; discontent, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgust

بَرَمَ: فَتَلَ، جَدَلَ
to twist, twine, entwine, curl, kink

بَرَمَ: أقَرّ
ـ انظر: أبْرَمَ

بَرِم: سَئِم، ضَجِر
weary, tired, bored, fed up; impatient, restless, uneasy, unquiet, annoyed, vexed, irritated; dissatisfied, discontent, displeased, disgusted

بَرِمَ (بِـ): سَئِمَ، ضَجِرَ
to be or become weary (of), (sick and) tired (of), bored (with), fed up (with); to tire (of), weary (of); to find wearisome or boring or annoying; to be or become impatient (with), dissatisfied (with), annoyed (by)

بَرّمَ: فَتَلَ، جَدَلَ
ـ انظر: بَرَمَ

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