
أمر nədir, Ərəbca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə أمر nə mənasıdır? Ərəbca - İngiliscə

to order, command, bid, enjoin, direct, instruct, give or issue orders or directions or instructions (to); to charge (with), require; to dictate; to ordain, decree, prescribe

أمَرّ: جَعَلَهُ يَمُرّ
to pass; to let pass, allow to pass; to cause or allow to go (move, proceed); to cause or permit to go past (go through, get by); to guide (lead, take, send) through or into; to cause to go through, cause to penetrate, get through, insert in; to throw or hit (a ball to a teammate); to secure the approval of, cause or allow to win approval or official or legal sanction

أمَرّ: صارَ مُرّاً
to be or become bitter

أمَرّ: صَيّرَهُ مُرّاً
to embitter, bitter, make bitter

أمَرّ: أكْثَرُ مَرَارَةً
bitterer, more bitter

أمَرّ: أقْوَى
stronger, firmer

أمّرَ: عَيّنَهُ (أو اخْتارَهُ) أمِيراً
to appoint (or choose) as prince or as emir

أمّرَ: فَوّضَ، وَلّى
to invest with authority or power

أمْر (جمعه: أوَامِر): فَرْض، تَعْلِيمات
order, command, instruction, directive, direction, dictate, imperative, mandate, behest, bidding, injunction

أمْر: سُلْطَة
power, authority

أمْر: تَفْوِيض
warrant, writ, authorization, authority, mandate

أمْر (جمعه: أُمُور): شَأن، مَسْألَة
matter, affair, concern, business; question, issue, problem, case

أمْر: حال
condition, state, situation, position, case

أمْر: شَيْء
thing; something

أمْر، صِيغَةُ الأمْر [لغة]

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