
yon nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə yon nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

1. v.i. to burn, to blaze, to ignite. (yondir , yondiril , yondirish)
2. obs. to return
side, flank; pocket. yonida next to, near, beside, by; at his side. yonnimda pulim yo’q I don’t have any money on me. yonida olib yur to carry on/with o.s. uning yoniga boraman I’m going to (see) him. yon qo’shni nextdoor neighbor. yon bag’ir slope; foothills. yon ber to lose, to yield, to be defeated. yon bos to support, to defend; to favor. yoniga kir to lend a hand. yoniga tush to take the side of. yonini ol to protect, to strengthen

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