
xotin nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə xotin nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

woman; wife; no longer a virgin. xotin kishi woman. xotin oshi women’s feast, part of marriage celebration only for women. xotin peshin time at which women formerly performed their afternoon prayers (app. 4 5 pm). xotin ahli womenfolk, women. xotin ma’no woman, women. xotin hammom women’s bathhouse. katta xotin older, mature woman; older wife (of 2 or more). kichik xotin younger wife (of 2 or more). xotin ol to get married, to take a wife (of a man). xotin qo’y to get rid of one’s wife. xotinning javobini ber to divorce one’s wife. xotin jallob man who has married and divorced many times

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