
til nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə til nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

v.t. to cut into slices; to slice; to saw; to cut. qalbini til to break one’s heart. (tildir tilin tilish)
tongue; language; prisoner taken to get intelligence from; needle, dial arm, clapper, etc. (of mechanical device); secrets, ins and outs. til bilimi linguistics. tili bormaydi can’t bring himself to say (s.t.). tili kel(ish)maydi can’t pronounce, can’t manage to say. til tegiz to speak ill of. tili chiqdi to begin speaking. tili qichidi to get the urge to speak. tilga kir /tilga ol to mention. tilidan gulla to blabber. tilidan ilin to let the cat out of the bag. tilidan tushirmaslik/tildan qol to lose one’s ability to speak. tili bir unanimous, agreed. tili uzun bold, brazen, forward (in talk). tili qisiq/til uchida perfunctorily. til biriktir to agree on, to come to an arrangement with. til top /til tortmay/tilni yoradi (‘tongue splittingly’) sweet. tilini tishla(b qol) to bite one’s tongue; to keep silent; to regret. tilini qayra to spread rumors about, to gossip about. tilimning uchida turibdi It’s on the tip of my tongue

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