
qattiq nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə qattiq nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

hard, tough, strong, firm; solid; loud; fierce, harsh, sharp, deep, extreme; dangerous, serious; tight fisted. qattiq ogohlantirish/qattiq teg /o’ziga qattiq ol to take badly. qattiq tur to stand firm. qattiq tut to hold on rigidly to, to control, to restrict. qattiq qara to stare hard. qattiq kunlar dark, difficult times. qattiq kurash fierce struggle. qattiq intizom strict order. qattiq sovuq fierce cold. qattiq mast bo’l to be extremely drunk. qattiq gapir to speak loud or harshly. qattiq matonat extreme courage. qattiq aloqa strong bind or relationship. qattiq shikast serious damage. qattiq qo’lli strict, harsh

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