
ora nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə ora nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

1. space, distance or time between, interval, gap; relationship, footing. Moskva bilan Toshkentning orasi the distance between Moscow and Tashkent. ikki orada caught in the middle. ora(si)da between; among(st). orasini ochiq qilib yoz to write with the lines spaced wide apart. kun ora every other day. shu orada in the meantime; nearby. tez orada soon. yaqin orada soon, before long; nearby. ora ochiq all settled, even, square. orasidan from, between, among. oraga suqil to meddle, to stick one’s nose in. oraga tush /oraga odam/orada/oraga qora tikanak bo’l to be a thorn in s.o.’s side. orada(n) gap o’tdi/ora(ni) buz to put on bad terms, to spoil relations between
2. ora oyi the 11th lunar month (s. Zulqa’da)

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