
joy nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə joy nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

1. (Persian) place, location, spot; part, aspect; outlying area; seat; home; bed; family, home. joy a delicate, touchy subject. joy ol to find a place in s.o.’s heart. joy topolmay qol to be extremely upset, distraught. joyiga keltir /hushini joyiga keltir to bring s.o. around, to get s.o. off of their high horse. joyda unexpectedly, at an unexpected moment. joyini topdi to fall into place, to settle in. hamma narsa joyidami Is everything alright?, Is everything fine? joy sol /qil to lay out bedding
2. (Persian) at one’s ease, with no rush; late. joyroq turaman I get up late

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