
jon nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə jon nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

(Persian) soul; life; body; energy, zeal, vigor, strength; dear, darling; thanks be. jonim bilan with glee, gladly. jonimni ham ayamayman I won’t spare even my life. jon boricha with all one’s strength. joni bor alive; not unfounded, worth considering. jondan boshqa everything but the kitchen sink (lit., ‘everything but a (human) soul’). jon ber to pass away, to die; to give in; to be true to. jon kirdi to come back to life; to revive, to be reinvigorated. jon kuydir to put all of one’s energy into s.t.; to pity, to feel sorry for. jon ol to take s.t.’s life; to torment. joni uzil to die. joni chiq to die; to be scared to death. joni halqumiga/jon(i) jonini koyit to work o.s. hard. jon saqla to save one’s soul/hide/life. jon hovuchlab fearing for one’s life, very cautiously. jon(i)ga ora kir to lend life to, to save from destruction. jondan bezor qil /jondan to’y to be sick of life, to want to kill o.s. joni yo’q lifeless; weak, powerless, useless. jon olib, jon ber to sacrifice o.s. for, to give all one has. bir jon, bir tan bo’lib as one, united. jon akaga jon bormi You betcha!, Oh, would I love to! jon achchig’ida/jonim bilan With pleasure. jon deb gleefully, willingly; with pleasure. jon koshki if only... joni kir to take pleasure in, to enjoy; to lighten up. jon(i)ga tegdi to get on s.o.’s nerves, to bother; to be fed up with. jondan o’t to penetrate, to cut deep (e.g., cold)

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