
hisob nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə hisob nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

(Arabic) counting, calculation; count, number; account, inventory, stock taking, registration; score; (arch.) arithmetic; nearly, practically. og’zaki hisob oral estimate. hisobi yo’q beyond count, innumerable. yo’q hisob practically none. hisob yurit to take an accounting of. o’rta hisobda on the average. hisobga ol to take into account, to consider. hisob qil to tally up, to figure. hisobdan adash to miscalculate. hisobiga on behalf of, in place of; because of. hisob Emas That doesn’t count. hisobga olmaganda w/o considering. o’ziga hisob ber to account to o.s. hisobini qo’y to listen to an accounting of one’s actions. hisobini qil to bring o.s. to do, to manage to do. hisobni och to get the first point (in a game). bir hisobda in one way of reckoning. yil hisobi chronology. hisob ol to take an accounting of

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