
haq nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə haq nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

(Arabic) truth; true; right; claim; wage, payment, one’s due. haq joyiga qaror topadi Truth shall prevail. o’lim haq Death is the grand leveler. qaychi haqi payment made to a tailor in money or cloth. qalam haqi writer?s fee. ko’z haqi portion of s.t. given to s.o. who stares at it. sut haqi bride price (given to mother for raising her daughter). tagjoy haqi fee paid for a stall in a bazaar. tuz haqi good deed performed for having been a guest in s.o.?s home. chok haqi extra material protruding from the inside of a seam. kira haq transport fee; hiring fee. ish haqi wages. menda qanday haqingiz bor? What claim do you have on me? haq(i)da about, concerning. haqiga concerning (a person)

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