
chilla nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə chilla nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

(Persian) term referring to both the hottest and coldest forty days of the year; the forty days following a child?s birth; rite involving 40 days of prayer and seclusion. yoz chillasi/yozgi chilla period from 25th of June to the 5th of August. chillasi/qishki chilla period from 25th of December to the 5th of February. chilla suvi mid summer irrigation period. chillasi chiqmagan not yet forty days old; green, inexperienced. chilla yara rash or sores which afflict a newborn. chilla o’tir to pray in seclusion for forty days; to stay at home for a long time. chilla(ga) o’tqazib ket to dupe.chillagirazon coll.s. chillakiro’zon

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