
bit nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə bit nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

1. v.i. to end, come to an end, finish; to be settled; to be used up, exhausted. ish bitdi It’s finished/over. ish bitdi, Eshak loydan o’tdi said of s.o. who forgets his friends after his own troubles are over. umri bit to die, pass away. izzati bitdi to be impolite, to stop being polite. qulog’i bit to be deafened from noise. (bitir , bitiril , bitirish , bitkaz , bitkazil , bitkiz)
2. to grow up, sprout; to heal, close (wound); to cover (plants). qanot bit to sprout horns, wings, etc.bit 3 write, enscribe. aql bit to gather one’s wits, to think of a solution. boshga bitgan balo unavoidable calamity/fate. peshanaga bitgan/bitib qo’yilgan written on one’s forehead, foreordained. (bitish , bitkaz , bitkiz , bittir)bit zool.louse, lice. bit ko’z (having) small squinty eyes. ity bit (neg.) this, that, and everything; everyone and his brother. biti to’kil to find rest (at last), to lay back and kick one’s feet up; to be fed, sated

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