
bet nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə bet nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

1. face; cheek; page; side, bank, shore; blade. beti yo’q shameless, impudent. beti qalin/beti qora shamed, disgraced. qanday bet bilan How in the world? How shamefaced! bet chidamaydi You should be ashamed. You should learn. beti qursin! To hell with him! Damn him! betga ayt to say s.t. openly and honestly. betga chop to say to s.o.?s face. betiga oyoq qo’y to fly in the face of, to defy. betiga qaramay w/o taking into account. ... betini ko’rmagan said of s.o. who has not experienced s.t. betini yul to scratch one’s face in anguish, grief
2 coll.s. bu yer

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