
aylan nədir, Özbəkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə aylan nə mənasıdır? Özbəkcə - İngiliscə

v.i. to spin, to turn; to go or walk around, to take a walk; to change, turn, or transform into; to go around (with), to associate with; to turn over (capital). aylanib o’rgilib to exclame ‘boshi aylandi to have one’s head spin, to be dizzy. gap aylanib ... and the talk got around to (the subject of)... til aylanmay qoldi to be speechless, to get a frog in one’s throat. havo aylanib turibdi the weather is looking ominous. aylansin expression denoting indifference to loss, etc.; denotes love, devotion. bir ko’ylak sendan aylansin! Fine, you can have that one dress! (aylanish , aylantir)

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