
zar nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə zar nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. die, Cortes, film, integument, lamina, membrane, pellicle, skin, tegument, velum, wall, bones
* * *
1. tegument
2. diaphragm
3. die
4. membrane
5. pellicle


1. die (thrown when playing games of chance). 2. slang feeling of well-being, pleasant mood. - atmak to throw a die or dice. -ını bozmak /ın/ 1. (for someone who´s watching a game of backgammon) to bring bad luck to (the person whom he´s sitting beside). 2. (for one player) covertly to meddle with (his opponent´s) dice (after they´ve been thrown). - gelmek 1. for the dice to fall as one wants them to. 2. to be having a run of good luck. -ı kaçmak slang to get out of spirits, no longer to be happy. - tutmak to manipulate the dice so that they fall as one wants them to.

[T zar] : membrane

a. membrane, film a. dice zar atmak to throw dice

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