
yama nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə yama nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. botch, patch
yama (ayakkabı)
n. vamp
yama (örgü)
n. darn
* * *
1. patch up
2. patching (v.)
3. patch (v.)
4. patch (n.)


1. patching, covering (a hole in a cloth fabric) with a patch. 2. patch (used for covering a hole in a cloth fabric). 3. birthmark, nevus (on a person´s face or hands). - gibi durmak to stick out like a sore thumb. - küçük, delik büyük. colloq. The damage is great, and we´re woefully unequipped to repair it. - vurmak /a/ to put a patch on (something).

a. patch yama vurmak to put a patch (on)

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