
yakmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə yakmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. bite, burn, cauterize, fire, flash, ignite, incinerate, kindle, light, light up, turn on, scathe, scorch, sear, set on fire
yakmak (ışık)
v. put on
* * *
1. burn
2. light

\"to burn; to fire, to set on fire; to burn, to scorch, to singe; to inflame; (ýþýk) to turn on; (kibrit) to strike; (sigorta) to blow; (motor, vb.) to blow sth out; (soðuk) to sting; to ruin; to shoot, to kill; to hurt; to cauterize; to consume\"

\"/ı/ 1. to light; to ignite; to set fire to, set (something) on fire. 2. to scorch, sear, burn. 3. to burn (something) up, burn (something) down, burn. 4. (for chemicals, sun, wind, etc.) to burn; (for wool) to irritate (one´s) skin. 5. to turn on, light (electric lights). 6. to burn, use (something) as fuel. 7. to ruin (someone), cook (someone´s) goose. 8. to inflame (someone) with love. 9. to shoot (someone) (with a gun). yakıp yıkmak /ı/ to destroy utterly.\"

e. to burn; to fire, to set on fire; to burn, to scorch, to singe; to inflame; (ışık) to turn on; (kibrit) to strike; (sigorta) to blow; (motor, vb.) to blow sth out; (soğuk) to sting; kon. to ruin; kon. to shoot, to kill; to hurt; hek. to cauterize; to consume yakıp kül etmek to incinerate, to burn sth down, to burn sth out

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