
tuhaf nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə tuhaf nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. queer, weird, strange, bizarre, odd, curious, peculiar, funny, unusual, whimsical, antic, comical, cranky, droll, erratic, flaky, funny peculiar, laughable, offbeat, peregrine, quizzical, rum, rummy, screwy, singular, splay, twee, unaccustomed
adv. funnily
* * *
1. unnatural
2. bizarre
3. odd
4. outlandish
5. outlandishly

\"strange, odd, queer, outlandish, cranky; unusual; funny, comical, ridiculous; strangely, oddly\"

\"1. strange, curious, odd, queer. 2. funny, amusing; ridiculous. T-! How strange!/How curious!/That´s odd! -ına gitmek /ın/ to seem strange or odd to (someone). bir - olmak to feel odd or strange, (for a strange feeling) to come over one.\"

s. strange, odd, queer, outlandish hkr., cranky hkr.; unusual; funny, comical, ridiculous ¤ be. strangely, oddly tuhaf tuhaf strangely, oddly

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