
tartışmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə tartışmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. argue, discuss, dispute, debate, negotiate, wrangle, have words with smb., altercate, bicker, brawl, bust, canvass, contend, controvert, join issue with smb., take issue with smb., jangle, moot, have a row with, set to, have a set to, spar
tartışmak (doğruluğunu)
v. challenge
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\"to argue, to dispute, to have words (with sb), to have a tiff (with sb), to have a row; to discuss, to debate, to talk sth over (with sb)\"

\"1. /la/ to debate (with); to have a discussion (with); to argue, dispute (with). 2. /ı/ to debate, discuss, or argue (something). 3. (for two greased wrestlers) to engage in a preliminary struggle (in order to discover each other´s weak points).\"

e. to argue, to dispute, to have words (with sb), to have a tiff (with sb), to have a row kon.; to discuss, to debate, to talk sth over (with sb)

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