
takip nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə takip nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. pursuit, tracing, chase, chasing, follow up, hunting, prosecution, pursuance
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chase (n.)

\"pursuit, chase; follow-up; persecution; prosecution\"

\"1. following; pursuing, pursuit; trailing. 2. following, coming after, succeeding. 3. following, taking (someone, something) as one´s example. 4. pursuing (an end, a goal). 5. pursuing, busying oneself with (a matter). 6. following; watching closely; keeping one´s mind on; keeping abreast of. 7. keeping up with, following (a fashion). 8. legal proceedings (especially those initiated against a debtor); prosecution (of a case). - etmek /ı/ 1. to follow; to pursue; to trail. 2. to follow, come after, succeed. 3. to follow, take (someone, something) as one´s example. 4. to pursue (an end, a goal). 5. to pursue, busy oneself with (a matter). 6. to follow; to watch closely; to keep one´s mind on; to keep abreast of. 7. to keep up with, follow (a fashion).\"

a. pursuit, chase; follow-up; persecution; huk. prosecution takip etmek to follow, to pursue, to chase, to dog

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