
takdir nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə takdir nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. appreciation, admiration, recognition, estimation, approbation, commendation, discretion, estimate, opinion, regard, tribute
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1. appreciation
2. plaudit

\"predestination, fate; appreciation, admiration; estimate; understanding; case\"

\"1. appreciation, recognition of the worth, merit, or importance of (someone, something). 2. appreciation, understanding fully, being fully sensible of. 3. approval, commendation, applause. 4. estimating the worth of, evaluating, valuing, setting a value on; appraising (the worth) of; assessing (the worth) of. 5. individual judgment, discretion; law judicial discretion. 6. the will of God, fate; God´s foreordaining (something); predestination. -de in the event that ..., in the event of ..., if ...: Yağmur yağdığı takdirde toplantı ertelenecek. In the event of rain the meeting will be postponed. -ine bırakmak /ı, ın/ to leave (a matter) to (someone) to decide, leave (a matter) to (someone´s) judgment or discretion. - böyle imiş. colloq. This is the way it was fated to be. - etmek /ı/ 1. to appreciate, recognize the worth, merit, or importance of (someone, something). 2. to appreciate, understand fully, be fully sensible of. 3. to approve, commend, applaud. 4. to estimate the worth of, evaluate, value, set a value on; to appraise (the worth) of; to assess (the worth) of. 5. (for God) to foreordain, predestine. - hakkı law (a judge´s) right to exercise judicial discretion. -ine kalmak /ın/ (for a matter) to be left to (someone) to decide, be left to (someone´s) judgment or discretion. -ini kazanmak /ın/ to win (someone´s) approval. - toplamak to win general approval. - yerini bulmak (for what was fated to happen) to happen.\"

a. predestination, fate; appreciation, admiration; estimate; understanding; case takdir etmek a) to appreciate b) to estimate, to evaluate c) to applaud d) to predestine takdiri ilahi dispensation, predestination takdirini kazanmak to win sb's approval

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə takdir sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki takdir sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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