
siper nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə siper nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. shield, shelter, trench, rampart, barricade, screen, aegis [Brit.], egis, bulwark, casemate, dike, dyke, entrenchment, foxhole, outwork, parapet, splasher
* * *
1. rampart
2. barricade
3. bulwark
4. earthwork
5. eyeshade
6. intrenchment
7. parapet
8. barricade (n.)

\"shield, shelter; trench, foxhole; bulwark; battlements; (þapka) peak\"

\"1. shield; (a) shelter. 2. mil. trench, foxhole; breastwork. 3. bill, peak, visor (of a cap). 4. sheltered, hidden, protected (place). - almak 1. to take shelter (behind something). 2. fencing to parry a blow. -e almak /ı/ to take under one´s protection. (kendine) - etmek /ı/ to use as a shield. (kendini) - etmek /a/ to shield with one´s own body.\"

a. shield, shelter; trench, foxhole; bulwark; battlements; (şapka) peak siper demiri guard rail siper harbi trench warfare siper kazmak ask. to dig in siper tahtası weatherboard

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