
sel nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə sel nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. flood, flooding, inundation, torrent, stream, deluge, cataract, spate
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1. torrent
2. flood (n.)

torrent, flood

\"torrent, swift and violent flood of water. - gider, kum kalır. proverb Don´t get excited about those things that are here today and gone tomorrow; think instead of those things that you must contend with over a long period of time. -e gitmek to be needlessly wasted. - götürmek /ı/ 1. (for it) to rain cats and dogs in (a place). 2. (for rain) to cause flooding in (a place). - ile gelen yel ile gider. proverb Easy come; easy go. - seli götürmek (for water) to flood violently over a place. -i suyu kalmamış juiceless, no longer juicy; too thick or dry (owing to overcooking).\"

a. torrent, flood sel basmak to flood, to inundate sel çukuru ravine sel gibi akmak to flood, to stream sel kanalı floodway sel yarıntısı gully sel yatağı gully

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