
piç nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə piç nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. bastard, illegitimate, baseborn, misbegotten, spurious
n. bastard, illegitimate child, natural child, bastard slip
piç (ağaç)
n. sucker [sl.]
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\"bastard; brat; offshoot, sucker\"

,-çi 1. bastard (illegitimate child). 2. brat, bratty child. 3. bastard, debased, or inferior version (of something). 4. sucker, basal shoot (of a plant). - etmek /ı/ to ruin (something that´s going well), ball (something) up, Brit. make a balls-up of (something). - kurusu vulg. brat, bratty child (sometimes used affectionately). - olmak 1. to be spoiled, be balled up. 2. to be done for nothing, be wasted. 3. (for food) to spoil or lose its flavor.

a. bastard; brat hkr.; bitk. offshoot, sucker piç kurusu brat hkr., little devil

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