
meslek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə meslek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. professional
n. profession, career, Job, trade, path, walk of life, avocation, calling, game, ism, metier, shop, vocation, racket
* * *
1. profession
2. lifework
3. metier
4. occupation
5. career (n.)

\"profession, occupation, job; career; trade\"

\"1. (a learned) profession. 2. trade, craft. 3. occupation, line of work. 4. phil. system. 5. doctrine. 6. trend, movement. 7. school (of thought), école. - hastalığı occupational disease. - kuruluşu professional association. - okulu vocational school, trade school. - sahibi 1. professional man or woman; person who knows a trade. 2. professional (person); (person) who knows a trade. -ten yetişme (someone) who´s learned his occupation by doing it (rather than learning it through academic training).\"

a. profession, occupation, job; career; trade meslek okulu technical school meslek sırrı trade secret

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