
masal nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə masal nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. story, tale, fairy tale, fable, fiction, romance, yarn
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fairy tale

\"tale, fable, fairy tale, folk tale; lie, yarn, fairy story, fairy tale, a tall story, story\"

\"1. fairy tale; folk tale; fable; yarn. 2. colloq. cock-and-bull story; bull. - âlemi world of make-believe, world of unreality. - gibi fantastic, fabulous, incredible. - okumak/anlatmak /a/ colloq. to feed/give (someone) a line, bullshit.\"

[T misal = example, Az misal, Tk misal, from Ar] : tale

a. tale, fable, fairy tale, folk tale; mec. lie, yarn, fairy story, fairy tale, a tall story, story kon. masal anlatmak to tell a tale masal okumak to spin a yarn

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