
kaynamak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə kaynamak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. boil, come to the boil, boil away, bubble up, weld, join, abound, conglutinate, seethe, swarm, teem, well
@kaynamak ile
v. spill over with
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\"to boil; to ferment, to effervesve; (mide) to burn, to sour; to surge up, to seethe; to swarm with sb/sth, to teem with, to crawl with, to be alive with, to abound in/with sth; (kemik) to knit\"

1. to boil. 2. to ferment. 3. to have a burning sensation (in the stomach). 4. to surge up, seethe. 5. to swarm, teem. 6. (for a broken bone) to knit. 7. to become welded. 8. (for a plan) to be cooked up in secret. 9. to fidget. 10. slang to disappear without a trace. 11. slang (for a lesson hour) to be wasted.

e. to boil; to ferment, to effervesce; (mide) to burn, to sour; to surge up, to seethe; to swarm with sb/sth, to teem with, to crawl with, to be alive with, to abound in/with sth; (kemik) to knit

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