
katılmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə katılmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. attend, join, join in, participate, take part, accompany, go with, share, be out of breath, adhere, affiliate, ally, ally oneself, put in an appearance, attach oneself to, chip in, club, club together, come into, contract in, contribute, enter
katılmak (görüşe)
v. weigh in with
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\"to be added (to); to mingle; to join, to come in on sb/sth, to amalgamate; (yarýþma, sýnav) to go in for sth; to attend, to be absent; to agree with, to go along with sb/sth; (suça) to abet\"

\"/a/ 1. to be added (to), be mixed (with). 2. to join (a group); to enter into, participate in (an activity). 3. (for someone) to agree with.\"

e. to be added (to); to mingle; to join, to come in on sb/sth, to amalgamate; (yarışma, sınav) to go in for sth; to attend, to be absent; to agree with, to go along with sb/sth; (suça) to abet katılmamak a) not to be added b) not to join c) to absent oneself (from sth) d) to disagree (with sb/sth) e. to get out of breath (from laughing), to fall about laughing kon. katıla katıla gülmek to die laughing, to fall about with laughter kon.

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