
kalmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə kalmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. stay, remain, continue, keep, stand, fail, be left, be left over, abide, bed, come to, devolve, flunk, keep to, leave, put up, refuge, rest with, room, sleep, stop, survive, tarry, wait
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\"to remain; to be left; to be left behind; to be left over; to stay; to put up; to stick around; to be, to spend time; (sýnavda) to fail; (yaðmur, vb.) to stop, to cease; to be postponed (to/until); to fall to (sb); to descend from sb/sth, to be inherited\"

\",-ır 1. to remain, be left; to be left over. 2. to stay (in a place temporarily). 3. to come to a halt, reach a standstill. 4. to fail (a class). 5. /a/ to be postponed to. 6. /a/ (for a matter) to be entrusted to (someone). 7. /a, dan/ (for something) to be left to (someone) by (someone else). 8. /dan/ to be kept from doing (something). 9. /la/ to be content with, go no further than. kala kala only ..., no more than ... (is left): Gelmesine kala kala bir gün kaldı. There´s only one day left until she comes. kaldı ki moreover, furthermore. kalsa/kalırsa /a/ 1. if you ask (my/his/her) opinion. 2. if it were left up to (someone). Kalsın. 1. Let´s leave it for the time being. 2. I´ve decided I don´t want it. kalır yeri olmamak /dan/ to be at least as good as.\"

e. to remain; to be left; to be left behind; to be left over; to stay; to put up; to stick around kon.; to be, to spend time; (sınavda) to fail; (yağmur, vb.) to stop, to cease; to be postponed (to/until); to fall to (sb); to descend from sb/sth, to be inherited (from); to be prevented (from) kalacak yer accommodation kaldı ki other than that, besides, moreover

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə kalmak sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki kalmak sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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