
işlemek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə işlemek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. work, process, operate, function, perform, commit, engrave, go, run, travel, farm, tame, cultivate, brand, discourse, ferry, forge, grave, hammer, handle, indwell, instil, instill, penetrate, pierce, sink, sink into, stamp, strike, treat
işlemek (beynine)
v. print
işlemek (suç)
v. perpetrate
işlemek (toprak)
v. tame, till
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\"to operate, to work, to run, to function; to process, to treat; to embroider; to commit, to perpetrate; to penetrate; to influence; to embroider; (toprak) to cultivate; (konu) to treat, to deal with; to teach (a subject); (taþýt) to run, to ply; (çýban) t\"

\"1. /ı/ to process, treat, work up. 2. /ı/ to do fine work on, embroider. 3. /a/ to penetrate; to soak into. 4. to function, operate, perform, do work. 5. (for a business) to be doing a good business, be doing well. 6. (for a road) to carry traffic. 7. (for a vehicle, ship) to ply, make regular trips. 8. /ı/ to cultivate, work (land). 9. /ı/ to treat, discuss (a subject). 10. (for a law) to be effective, be enforced. 11. (for a boil, sore, or wound) to fester. 12. slang to commit theft; /ı/ to steal. 13. /ı/ slang to investigate, look into. 14. slang to pull the wool over someone´s eyes (as a joke). İşleyen demir pas tutmaz/paslanmaz/ışıldar. proverb An active, industrious person is a healthy, productive person.\"

e. to operate, to work, to run, to function; to process, to treat; to embroider; to commit, to perpetrate; to penetrate; to influence; to embroider; (toprak) to cultivate; (konu) to treat, to deal with; to teach (a subject); (taşıt) to run, to ply; (çıban) to suppurate, to fester, to discharge

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə işlemek sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki işlemek sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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