
inanmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə inanmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. believe, trust, rely, credit, put faith in, esteem, buy, swallow, deem, be persuaded that, be sold on
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\"to believe, to credit, to give credence to sth, to attach credence to sth; to believe in; to trust; to swallow, to buy\"

\"/a/ 1. to believe (something); to believe what (someone) says, believe (someone). 2. to trust, have faith in, believe in (someone, God). 3. to believe in the existence of, believe in (God, spirits). 4. to believe in (the benefit, the efficacy, or the rightness of something): Demokrasiye inanıyor. She believes in democracy.\"

e. to believe, to credit, to give credence to sth, to attach credence to sth; to believe in; to trust; to swallow kon., to buy kon.

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