
iflas nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə iflas nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. bankruptcy, failure, insolvency, bust, crash, ruin, smash, smash up
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1. bankruptcy
2. bankrupt (n.)

bankruptcy, insolvency, crash

1. bankruptcy, insolvency. 2. failure (of a major project or policy). - dairesi bankruptcy office. - etmek 1. to go bankrupt. 2. (for a project or plan) to fail completely. 3. (for something) to become regarded as worthless. - hukuku laws of bankruptcy. - idaresi administration of bankruptcy assets. - kararı decree of bankruptcy, adjudication of insolvency. - masası law bankrupt´s assets.

a. bankruptcy, insolvency, crash iflas bayrağını çekmek kon. to go bankrupt, to crash, to go under iflas borusunu çalmak kon. to go bankrupt, to crash, to under iflas etmek to go bankrupt, to crash, to go under, to go bust, to fail iflas ettirmek to bankrupt iflas ilan etmek to declare bankruptcy iflasa sürüklemek to drive sb to the wall iflasın eşiğinde olmak to go to the wall iflasın eşiğinde on the verge of bankruptcy iflasın eşiğine getirmek to drive sb to the wall

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