
huy nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə huy nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. character, temper, nature, vein, habit, temperament, blood, cheer, constitution, humor, humour [Brit.], kidney
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1. nature
2. temperament

habit, temper, disposition, temperament, make-up

1. temperament, nature, disposition. 2. (ingrained) habit, way. -una çekmek /ın/ to resemble, take after (someone) (temperamentally). - edinmek /ı/ to form the habit (of), make (something) one´s habit. -u huyuna, suyu suyuna uygun. colloq. They get on well together./They are of the same disposition. -u suyu a person´s basic nature and disposition. -una suyuna gitmek /ın/ to humor, indulge.

a. habit, temper, disposition, temperament, make-up huy edinmek to form the habit of huy kapmak to contract a bad habit huyuna (suyuna) gitmek to humour

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