
hasta nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə hasta nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. sick, ill, unwell, invalid, ailing, in bad health, diseased, fanatic, fanatical, poorly, unsound, valetudinarian, valetudinary, weakly, under the weather
n. patient, client, buff, case, fan, invalid, sufferer, valetudinarian
* * *
1. diseased
2. ill
3. patient
4. sick
5. sick person
6. sufferer
7. poorly (adj.)

\"ill, sick, poorly; cracked, mad, crazy, freak, potty about sb/sth; patient; invalid; fan, buff\"

\"1. sick, ill. 2. patient, sick person; invalid. 3. slang hard up, flat broke, penniless. 4. slang lazy student. 5. slang losing (card). 6. addicted to, excessively fond of: futbol hastası great soccer fan. -ya bakmak 1. to nurse a patient. 2. to examine a patient. 3. to treat a patient. -ya çorba sorulur mu? colloq. Why hesitate? Go on and do it./Of course I want it. -, çorbası tasta. colloq. He´s not really very sick. - düşmek to get sick. - etmek /ı/ to make (someone) ill. -ya karpuz/çorba/kar sormak to ask someone if he wants something when it´s obvious he does. - olmak 1. to get sick; to be ill. 2. slang to go to class unprepared. -sı olmak /ın/ 1. to be addicted to, be excessively fond of, be a fan of. 2. to be the patient of (a specified doctor). - yatağı sickbed. \"

[T hasta, Az xästä, from P khasta] : sick, ill

s. ill, sick, poorly kon.; kon. cracked, mad, crazy, freak kon., potty about sb/sth İİ./kon. ¤ a. patient; invalid; mec. fan, buff kon. hasta düşmek to fall ill hasta etmek a) to make (sb) ill b) mec. to make sb sick, to give sb the pip İİ./kon. hasta odası sickroom hasta olmak a) to become ill, to get sick b) mec. to be mad (about), to be crazy (about), to be keen on, to be fond of, to go overboard (about sb/sth) kon. hasta yatağı sickbed hasta yatmak to lie sick hastası olmak to be fond of, to be mad about/on, to be crazy about, to be hooked on * düşkün olmak hastaya bakmak a) to look after a patient b) to examine a patient

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