
harç nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə harç nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. tax, fees, mortar, plaster, daub, grout, tabby
* * *
1. mortar (n.)
2. grout (n.)

expenditure, expenses \" masraf; fees\"

1. mortar. 2. plaster, material for plastering. 3. ingredients (used in preparing a food). 4. filling (of a food): Böreğin harcı henüz hazır değil. The filling for the börek isn´t ready yet. 5. trimming (for a woman´s dress). 6. (any specially prepared) soil mixture, soil mix: saksı harcı potting soil. -ı olmak 1. to be within (one´s) power or means. 2. to be (one´s) special skill or forte.

a. mortar, plaster; soil mixture, compost; ingredients; trimming (birinin) harcı olmak to be within one's means harç tahtası hawk harç teknesi mortar board, hod a. expenditure, expenses * masraf; fees

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