
hararet nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə hararet nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. heat, warmth, temperature, fever, thirst, fervor, fervour [Brit.], caloric, feverishness, flush, intenseness, swelter
* * *
1. fervor
2. feverishness
3. glow (n.)

\"heat; fever, temperature; thirst; ardour, fervour, exaltation\"

,-ti 1. heat, warmth. 2. fever, temperature, feverishness. 3. thirst. 4. fervency, fervidness, vehemence, zeal, ardor. - basmak /a/ 1. to feel very thirsty. 2. to feel feverish. - kesmek/söndürmek to quench one´s thirst. - vermek /a/ to make (someone) thirsty.

a. heat; fever, temperature; thirst; ardour, fervour, exaltation hararet basmak to feel very thirsty hararet söndürmek to quench (one's) thirst

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