
genç nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə genç nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. young, youthful, juvenile, adolescent, junior, green, teen, youngish
n. youth, young man, juvenile, adolescent, junior, teen, teenager, teeny, sapling, whelp, gossoon
* * *
1. juvenile
2. juvenile person
3. teenager
4. young
5. youthful
6. younger (adj.)

\"young; youthful; juvenile; young man, kid, lad, youth; juvenile\"

1. young, youthful. 2. young (animal, plant). 3. energetic and vigorous, robust and active. 4. green, inexperienced, or immature (owing to being young). 5. young, newly established, in its youth. 6. (a) youth, young person, juvenile. - irisi youth who is big for his age.

s. young; youthful; juvenile ¤ a. young man, kid, lad, youth; juvenile genç vadi yerb. young valley

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